2018 Honda Cvic Type R, How to kil your mother-in-law

If you are a car guy and happen to be married , at some point of your marriage your beloved wifey will try systematically ,every possible way to get rid of your precious EVO , WRX or CIVIC that you have spent most of your last ten years working on upgrading it and cruising with your boys in it . She will go even further by telling that getting rid of it is inevitable because it is a piece of junk and that "we should get a reasonable Volvo" so she can drive the kids to school , have road trips and occasionally, drive her mother too . The only thing you can do at this point is to tell her that you have the best solution for everyone and drive to the closest Honda dealership and get yourself their latest alluring Civic Type R . It is finally here gentlemen and it looks absolutely mind-blowing . By looking at it you will instantly know that Honda thought this car through , it is lower , wider and comes with four doors and a one big trunk. It is the replacement of th...