Apollo Intensa Emozione, A Proper Name For a Chinese Car

Intensa Emozine, that translates to fierce emotion. By the look at Apollo's latest creation you can see why the car was named like that. Although the owner of Apollo is chinese , he was convinced somhow that an Italian name would fit his baby more than a chinese one that has raging or dragon in it . This prove apollo is in good hands now , we all remember the fastest car on Top Gear's test track , the Gumpert. You might recall its hedious looks as well ,but the Intensa Emozione is surely a great creation to look at . In 2001 , Ronald Gumpert returned to Germany after being in China for 3 years working as the head of marketing operations of Audi and VW . He had a dream of creating a car that is road legal and can be ready to take up corners of Monza at any speed . Automobile designer , Roland Mayer had the same idea and they joined forces to create something that would redefine the terms of speed and aerodynamics. They both provided the first prototype of the Gum...